Why runner needs brown dots, what do South Africans sing about, how to get into a porn-magazine, where 18 guys smoke and how to quickly get rid of the nails?
Why do we need so much money. Presentation. SkyLand
Why does a money-only business not have the same prospects as a business that shares its profits with society, and how do the laws of the universe work in commerce?
Silfra. At a breath-holding between the two continents
Can a person touch the two continents, where are the continents moving and where there is the clearest water located? Video
Morning on STS. Interview
Who in the Voloshin family got sports, and who got creativity, how did Misha escape from underground zombies, and why is a wise woman nearby an indispensable condition for success?
Wings for LIFE. Race without a finish line
What is the price for tomatoes on the food points? What are the meerkats thinking about? How fast you have to run in order to outrun of a car? What can burn a handsome man?
Comrades. Morning on STS. Denis Rynda.STS
Does the ice in Death Valley save how the terrible and mighty Comrades has become a magnet for tens of thousands of people and why running down is not at all fun?