Morning. Interview about the North Pole marathon. RTR Moldova

What trick of Dmitry Voloshin was shown by the Euronews TV channel and why are the polar marathon runners surrounded by armed people?

Ведущий: Good morning, friends, good morning nation. We rejoice every time our Moldovans, succeed everywhere. This morning we have the happy opportunity to have him on our show, special guest, none other than Dmitri Voloshin. And all the way from the North Pole. Good morning! Healthy, strong, and everything in place, that’s what’s important? How are you feeling?

Дмитрий Волошин: All is well, I’m alive, unharmed. Except that my nose is bleeding a little. I was asked why I didn’t run with a balaclava. “Put on a mask, goggles, like all normal people who run.” But the truth is that when you run with a mask, it’s hard to breathe and you can’t run fast, you don’t have enough air. To run fast, you have to take your goggles off, so you don’t sweat. If you’re running to get a certain result, you take everything off and…

Ведущий: Yes, that’s what I wanted to ask you too, why did you choose to run without a mask? I saw that the others were running with something in their mouths, a mask I don’t know what. 

Дмитрий Волошин: A balaclava that covers your face, so you don’t get cold. But it’s okay, in a week everything will heal and I’ll be as good as new. 

Ведущий: Let’s tell the folks back home about it because Dmitri’s stunt was also shown on the major TV station, Euronews, but we also saw your stunt on Eurosport. I was very happy that one of our Moldovans managed to get on Euronews to tell about it. How important is this award for you? We also want to show you what Dmitri came back with from the North Pole, where he ran a 42 km marathon?

Дмитрий Волошин: The usual standard marathon distance is 42 kilometres and 195 metres. It was held at the North Pole, near the Russian station Barneo, where Russians come once a year, set up camp, tents, and people live there for a week or two and prepare for various competitions. 

Ведущий: People back home wonder how much you spent on this… getaway? 

Дмитрий Волошин: I don’t like to talk about money. It’s really not a cheap pleasure, it’s quite expensive, but it’s cheaper than…

Ведущий: But was it worth it?

Дмитрий Волошин: It was absolutely worth it. It didn’t just happen, I didn’t click, I paid and flew. It took me three years to put this money away. I’m not a poor man, but even I found it too expensive for a competition. Slowly, over three years, I prepared myself and said, ‘That’s it, stop dreaming, you have to go there.’ Spend this money on this, you’re going to spend it sooner or later anyway. Besides, no one will ever be able to take away your memories.”

Ведущий: Tell us how it was, how many of you went?

Дмитрий Волошин: First of all, we were a week late, the start was postponed for a week, because the weather was bad and did not allow us to get to the course, because there was a snowstorm and it was impossible to run. Then, when we got there, the plane took off right after three hours, because the next day again bad weather. There was this good weather window and “Run now”. We started at 23:00 and finished at 4:00. 

But since it’s polar day there and it’s always light, it doesn’t matter when you run. The only downside was that we were already tired, the day was over, the plane makes you tired too. Besides, this year it was a very hard route, more difficult than usual because there was a lot of snow. And the snow was deep, about that deep. The foot falls there…

Ведущий: It was difficult to run in deep snow… 

Дмитрий Волошин: There was a lot of snow, only one kilometer was clear, namely where the runway of the plane was. Snow was along three kilometers and so ten circles. When I started running I realized that my feet were falling deep into the snow, and I managed to run to the tent to change my sneakers. I put on my shoes wider so they wouldn’t sink so far into the snow.  Then I started passing people one by one. 

Ведущий: You came second, at the finish, I also saw the coat of arms of the Republic of Moldova. For you it’s a pride, that’s why soul…

Дмитрий Волошин: Yes, really very nice, I was received very nicely, I received many congratulations, many likes. My friends met me at the airport with a giant polar bear.

Ведущий: We’ll show some pictures of that, how you were greeted, after we finish the interview. We also saw people’s reaction, for you it was impressive, wasn’t it?

Дмитрий Волошин: Yes, sure. I why I do all this, to show that nothing is impossible for people, even for an ordinary person who has never done sports.  It is important to have desire and will and you can do anything you set your mind to. 

Ведущий: And money.

Дмитрий Волошин: And money and health. 

Ведущий: What shocked you the most?

Дмитрий Волошин:  

People with guns standing all along the route. They stood there in case any polar bears appeared. They were guarding us. 

Ведущий: That’s why I didn’t go, because I got an offer to go, but I didn’t go… 

Дмитрий Волошин: The hardest part was at the end, the last 10 kilometers, when I realized that… First of all, I didn’t understand where I was running. People were all mixed up: fast and slow runners, chaos. I didn’t know where I was. I worked really hard, it was hard, there were 10 kilometres to go and I was already starting to get tired. I noticed that third place was catching up with me. So someone was behind me, running faster than me and could overtake me. Then I started to run faster and faster… I started to choke, the energy was already running out, I was stuck in the snow. But there was only one kilometre to go to the finish line, he was getting closer and closer, I don’t know where his power came from. So I gave everything I could for the last kilometre, and he was 50 metres behind me. Eight seconds we have a gap to third place. Here he motivated me a lot, he made me give it to him hard.

Ведущий: A very close competition. How many of you were at the start? 

Дмитрий Волошин: There were 61 people from 20 countries. 

Ведущий: How many made it to the finish? Were there any who didn’t finish?

Дмитрий Волошин: Not everyone made it to the finish line. There were people who came, did a few laps, walked around. Just like a simple adventure.

Ведущий: Did you feel at any point that you wanted to quit the race? Maybe you got tired. “That’s it, I can’t anymore.”

Дмитрий Волошин: They were. But the moment you realize there’s no one in front of you, you don’t see, you don’t hear anyone behind you silently thinking, “Where to rush to?” Anyway, you don’t run on time, you run to reach the end. I’m doing another circle, another walk. You’re thinking, “I’m going for a walk.” And then you realize you’ve been preparing for this for three years and now there’s just no such thing as just walking. And you get on with it. You’re running, you’re scrambling, you’ve got icicles hanging here under your nose. .

Ведущий: I was looking at your face, because I’ve seen pictures and more and on the news I saw, real icicles, all over the law, what couldn’t you just push aside? 

Дмитрий Волошин: There was no point in tearing them up, because they were growing again. I used to take them off every 10-15 km. I already thought I would run to the finish line and take them off there. I ran, I breathed through my mouth, my mouth was free so I breathed through my mouth. 

Ведущий: Now I’ll ask what was the reaction of our parliamentarians, who should have a reaction, to come and say “Look at our Moldovan, he made it to the North Pole, he made it in an extraordinary marathon, a super man”. Do you expect a reaction at all, or does that not matter to you? 

Дмитрий Волошин: I don’t know, I really don’t know. 

Ведущий: I really am very indignant, because you know very well the hang-up of MPs about sports. 

Дмитрий Волошин: But what’s the point? They’ll pin a medal on me and say, “Dmitri, you’re great. Are you running for the country? 

Ведущий: You’re a very good example, Dmitri, for young people. That’s how we make a healthy society. It is an example for many others. What next? 

Дмитрий Волошин: I’m not doing this to get a medal, for the government or the president to congratulate me personally, but to make people understand that anything is possible, to do sports, to run, to swim, to lead a healthy lifestyle. What do I use these medals for. I have a bunch of them hanging on my wall. 

Ведущий: What next?

Дмитрий Волошин: I want to go to Antarctica next year. I’m going to raise some more money.  And for this year, I have interesting plans for the autumn, but I’m not telling you yet. It’s better not to talk about your plans in advance. After I do, I’ll tell. 

Ведущий: I know there’s another competition coming up at the end of the week .Will you participate? 

Дмитрий Волошин: It will be in May. But this weekend, on Saturday, we will have a “Haiduc” event., you can access and see more information. It will take place near Vatra, families will come with tents, you will be able to run, walk, stay overnight. There will also be a concert, Zdob and Zdub.

Ведущий: Super! Friends, lead a healthy lifestyle! Dmitri, we’d have a lot to talk about, glad you came, first time. We look forward to seeing you again, with great pleasure. And we have, as we promised at the end, because your colleagues welcomed you at the airport, they gave you a great welcome. I thank you once again, I’m very glad you came. We look forward to seeing you again because you are an extraordinary man.

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