
On the limit: Marathons, IT business, the scale of goodness. Natalia Morari

On the limit: Marathons, IT business, the scale of goodness. Natalia Morari

How much money does Voloshin have, how much do they pay for Point, why bathe in concrete, what did the mayor's office ask for 700,000, and should all corrupt officials be imprisoned?

The worse, the better. Iolanta Mura

The worse, the better. Iolanta Mura

How did I turn out to be a handyman, what can be done in 17 hours, what feats are done for the sake of a dog, and how to forge your antifragility?

Lyceum Olimp

Lyceum Olimp

Is it possible to grow success, why being a nerd is not a sentence, and is it true that no one is born a loser, and leaving Moldova is not the best decision?