
The worse, the better. Iolanta Mura

The worse, the better. Iolanta Mura

How did I turn out to be a handyman, what can be done in 17 hours, what feats are done for the sake of a dog, and how to forge your antifragility?

Artcor. Interview

Artcor. Interview

How much money does Voloshin need, what kind of drugs does he prefer, and why might running through Oimkon be more important than raising conversion rates by 12%?

UTMoldova. FCIM

UTMoldova. FCIM

Why today is flexibility more important than encyclopedic knowledge, can a person of the 21st century be monofunctional, and where is the world of professions headed?

Am I a producer? Seriously? Master Class. Mads

Am I a producer? Seriously? Master Class. Mads

How did they make Pixar-level cartoons in Moldova, how much does a drawn sea cost, and do prizes at festivals guarantee the monetization of creativity?

Veranda. Andrei Porubin. Jurnal TV

Veranda. Andrei Porubin. Jurnal TV

How to conquer the North Pole, how to run for five hours in deep snow, and why go to Antarctica?